Talk things through in stages. Do not accuse or apportion blame. 把事情按部就班地讲清楚。不要责难或归罪于人。
A child's awareness of being an individual grows in stages during the pre-school years. 孩子的个体意识在入学前的几年中逐渐增强。
I would err on the side of gradualism and do it in stages. 我曾经在过于坚持渐进主义上面犯过错误,我把他叫做阶段性错误。
It is important to tackle process transformation in stages, especially from an architectural perspective. 务必以分阶段的方式处理流程转换,尤其要从体系结构角度加以考虑。
My third key point is that the set of portfolio management practices may be introduced in stages. 我第三个关键点是项目组合管理实践集可能按阶段引入。
Introduce the set of portfolio management practices in stages. 项目组合管理实践集可能按阶段引入。
To reduce the impact of logging, you can create a stored procedure and commit the insert in stages. 为了减少日志记录的影响,您可以创建一个存储过程,并分步提交插入数据。
Transform the process in stages 在各个阶段对流程进行转换
Some media reports said the restructuring would cost up to 8,000 jobs, but in stages over a year. 部分媒体报道此次重组将在一年内分批削减8000个工作岗位。
But the Harvard team found proteins involved in stages not blocked by those drugs but that might theoretically be blocked by future compounds. 但哈佛的研究小组发现参与这个过程的蛋白并不是被那些药物阻止了而是可能理论上被后来的复合物所阻止了。
Memory pools are only useful for programs that operate in stages. 内存池只适用于操作可以分阶段的程序。
Such work should be carried out in stages and in groups. 退休、退职工作要分期分批进行。
It will be done in stages. 将是一个分阶段的工作。
Should invest in stages according to the principle of demand priority. 应按需求优先级别原则分批投入。
The electrical equipment of the hot-rolling mill was replaced in stages since 1998 with the aim of increasing plant availability and improving product quality. 热轧钢厂的电气设备从1998年起就开始逐步更换,目的是提升工厂的可用性和改善产品质量。
Psychologists tell us boundaries are healthy, that it's important to reveal yourself to friends, family and lovers in stages, at appropriate times. 心理学家告诉我们边界的健康是很重要的是向透露自己爱人、家人和朋友在阶段,在适当的时候。
As this process is repeated for each successive checkpoint, the log is truncated in stages, checkpoint by checkpoint. 随着对每个连续的检查点重复此过程,日志将对检查点逐个分阶段地截断。
Television will be transformed in stages. 电视将逐步得到改造。
The bomb delivered its destruction in stages. 原子弹分几阶段进行破坏。
Other standards must be issued in stages, with the final deadline being in the year 2000. 其他标准分阶段颁布,最后的限期是2000年。
Li said the problems needed to be solved in stages. 李仰斌称,这些问题都要分期解决。
Please talk about your experience changes in stages in terms of forming artistic features. 请简单地谈一下您今天艺术面貌的形成经历了怎样的阶段性变化。
Design your Ant buildfile to compile large projects in stages. First, compile shared utility code. 设计你的构建文件编译大型项目的步骤:首先,编译公共应用代码,将编译结果打成JAR包文件。
If you handle these opportunities well, you can advance in stages to a greater level of social influence and success. 如果你好好把握这些机会,你就会获得更高的社会地位和更大的社会影响力。
Their language develops in stages until it approximates the grammatical rules of the adult language. 他们语言的发展分阶段进行直至他们接近了成人的语法准则。
South Korea's real name to be abolished in stages as frequency of personal information stolen. 个人信息频被盗用,韩国拟分阶段废除网络实名。
With the recent market adjustment and the interim results released in stages, the GEM market risk will gradually highlights, deserve to be focused and prevention. 近期随着市场的调整和中期业绩陆续发布,创业板的市场风险将会逐步凸显,值得各方加以重点关注和防范。
To accomplish this goal, the researchers designed a drug that combines two RNA "modules" that work in stages. 为实现这个目标,研究者们设计了一种结合两个RNA模块的药物使之产生作用。
Journaling coerage is being implemented in stages, on a per-application basis. 日志作用在进程和每个基础操作。
Tearing open can occur suddenly and all at once or in stages over time, the more likely scenario. 撕裂可能会突然发生并一步到位,或者是随着时间按照阶段展开,后这是更可能的情节。